Al-Noor Welfare Foundation is an organization that administers Islamic and Contemporary Education and aims to bring a positive change in women of all ages. Al-Noor’s objective is to build a peaceful and healthy environment to nurture the future generation and make them practicing and beneficial citizens of the society, so that they can fulfill their responsibilities in the best manner.
We are here to meet your demand and teach the most beneficial way for you in Personal.
Established in 1996 by Ustazah Nighat Hashmi, Al-Noor has become an influential non-profit and independent organization, tirelessly providing multi-dimensional services in form of character-building education, Islamic education, contemporary education at school, college and graduate levels among children, teenagers and women.
With that Al-Noor also working to provide welfare and community services in form of awareness campaigns, Rashon distribution, students' sponsorships, free food services, disaster and health services. Al-Noor has implemented its mission about providing education and character building as a service to people with integrity and high spirits over the years. Today the number of people who have benefited from our programs stand in millions across Pakistan and abroad.